Sterile Processing Catalog

Instrument Storage

Enclosed peg boards are increasingly popular as many departments are now requiring clean instruments to be stored in a dust-free environment.

Wall Mounted Peg Boards Open Peg Boards

Model #

Overall Dimensions

Model #

Overall Dimensions

CU-8730-714 CU-8731-714 CU-8732-714 CU-8733-714

24” W x 36” H 36” W x 36” H 36” W x 48” H 42” W x 48” H

CU-8734-714 CU-8735-714 CU-8736-714

48” W x 48” H 48” W x 72” H 48” W x 96” H

Wall Mounted Peg Boards Mobile Peg Boards

Model #

Overall Dimensions

CU-8730-714 CU-8731-714 CU-8732-714 CU-8733-714

24” W x 36” H 36” W x 36” H 36” W x 48” H 42” W x 48” H

Standard Hooks (Sold separately)

Part #


CU-8770-714 CU-8771-714 CU-8772-714 CU-8773-714 CU-8774-714

33/4” Long 53/16” Long 83/4” Long

8” Long 9” Long

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