Sterile Processing Catalog

Processing Sinks Accessories

Perforated Tray Sink Basin Lift CU-3101-714

Features: • Tray rests on the bottom of the basin to decrease basin depth • Improves sink ergonomics • Stainless Steel Construction • Handles on the side of the tray for easy lifting when removing the insert from the basin

Hands-Free Automated Dosing System CU-8763 | Hands-Free Automated Dosing System

Features: • Deliver precise amounts of detergent into the sink, eliminating the variability of bottle mounted pumps • Built-in programmable settings to set dosing specifications for removing soil at various sink levels to get optimum cleaning results • Android App-Controlled • Collects data and reports for insights to date, time, chemical usage, temperature, and errors

• Programmable A/B Chemical Dosing • Real-Time Dosing Validation • Reliable Peristaltic Pump • Push-Button Priming • Encoder Reader • Hands-Free IR Motion Sensor System • Programmable Temperature Range and Sensoring • IoT Device (Bluetooth)

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